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Showme Dharma is supported by the talent and generosity of many volunteers. Volunteering is a beautiful way to both support the dharma in Columbia and deepen your own practice through service. We welcome those who have attended sits, classes, and retreats at the center to join our vibrant community of volunteers. Volunteers serve in many ways, including organizing books in the library, taking care of the facility, writing thank-you notes, maintaining the website, arranging flowers, managing retreats and programs, bookkeeping, organizing events, social media, working booths, and many other activities. Offerings of specific skills are very much welcome. 

If you are able to volunteer please contact us at


Loaves and Fishes


Volunteers also support the Loaves and Fishes program. Loaves and Fishes was started in the mid-1980s by the St. Francis Catholic Worker community and serves a free community meal seven nights a week from 5 to 6 p.m. in the basement at Wilkes Boulevard United Methodist Church. ShowMe Dharma offers a meal every other month. Upcoming dates are announced in the newsletter.


Caring Committee


Volunteers are also needed for the caring committee. The Show Me Dharma Caring Committee was organized to provide wise and kind support for and service to members of ShowMe Dharma community. The committee provides support to people within the sangha who would like a visit or are needing assistance. Please let us know if you or anyone you know is in need of any type of assistance (e.g., social visits, help with house chores for the physically frail, meals for those who are ill, rides, babysitting etc.).All requests will be honored if possible. If you are able to volunteer for the caring committee, please contact Caya Tanski


Board of Trustees


Serving on the Show Me Dharma (SMD) Board of Trustees (Board) is another form of volunteering. Board members serve a 3-year term and meet every other month---January, March, May, July, September, and November. The Zoom meetings are typically on the second Sunday of the month from 3 to 5 pm. Occasionally, an emergency Board meeting my be scheduled if an urgent need arises determined by the President or other Executive Committee members. 


If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact Susan Schabilion at with the phrase "SMD Board Interest" in the subject line.   

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