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The SMD Library Committee is happy to announce that our entire Library catalog is now available online. Look at the list of all 902 books currently available online!



  • Searchable (902 books) catalog

  • Can be sorted by author or book title

  • The list is updated regularly so if you don’t see what you’re looking for, just revisit the site occasionally and see if it has been updated.


Library Policies

  • Not all books listed are immediately available for borrowing, as some of them may already have been borrowed by other library patrons.

  • Some books are strictly in-house reference books and should only be used while at Show Me Dharma unless you obtain permission from a teacher to borrow them. These books are located on the shelves labeled “Primary Sources.”

  • If you see a book you would like to borrow but it is already checked out just leave your contact information on the form provided on the check-out shelf and when the book is returned you will be contacted by the Library Committee to let you know it is available.


Useful Tips
The task of color-coding the library books is now complete. If you are having trouble finding a book, just check the binder on the check-out shelf. Locate the book by title or author and find the section color dots assigned to that book then just go to the color-coded shelf and you will find the book in alphabetic by author.

Request for Library Donations
As always, we continue to welcome book donations. If there is a book you think would be a good addition to the library, please let someone on the Library committee know about it.
You may contact NEED CONTACT with any questions about the library.


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